Healthy Habits Challenge

This month we are focusing on establishing healthy habits for life.  I'll be the first to admit that I need to do more!  My first habit was to floss my teeth every day.  It is now day 12, and I have flossed every day!  I'm leaving the "harder" habits for the end.  Yes, I too find it hard to commit.  To me, the harder habits will be to incorporate more fruits & vegetables into every meal and to watch less tv.  But nothing worth it is every easy, right?

The 31 habits listed are not in a specific order and some of us are already doing some of the items listed - but not everyone is doing everything all the time.  These habits have to become that - habits.  It has to be second nature to floss every day, to go to sleep early, to try new recipes, and on and on.  I hope that at the end of the month, I will have 31 new habits that I can build on for a lifetime.  I hope you will too!

Grace Martinez
Run 2 Be Fit
