Insanity Asylum 2 Completed.

I finally completed a BeachBody program!  It had been difficult for me to start a program and finish it.  It would get too boring and repetitive.  I liked that Insanity Asylum 2 was short and intense.  At the end of my 30 days, I feel lighter, more agile, less bloated, and insanely good!  I recommend this program for anyone that wants fast results, can jump and pivot, wants to improve on their sports skills, and is committed.  The program had a challenge every week, giving you the chance to improve on your agility skills.  I did improve.  At first I was so lost, then it became like second-nature.  Here are my before and after pictures as "proof" of what Insanity Asylum 2 can do for you.  I have not reached my ultimate goal but am officially back to my pre-pregnancy weight after 3 months post partum.  I plan on training hard for my upcomig races, do some hot yoga, play some soccer, and do some more BeachBody videos at home (I have so many to choose from!).

Grace Martinez
Run 2 Be Fit


