Recap Weekend Events

We resumed our Group Beer Runs (2nd annual) and had a great turnout.  Not all wanted to participate in the pre-workout, but those that did were very warmed up!  Almost 30 joined us (the biggest turnout to date for the group beer runs) and all ran/walked the 5k.  We packed the private room at Scuttlebutt Brewery & enjoyed the beer and appetizers, plus the camaraderie of talking about running, fitness, beer & more!

Our second event this weekend was the first Group Obstacle Course Training.  12 attended and were ready to get dirty & sweaty!  We brought two tires and gallons of water to add to the training.  We did a variety of exercises along the way, such as burpees, squat holds, plank holds, & bear crawls.  We shared stories of past experiences.  We believe everyone felt accomplished for completing the 4 mile training and look forward to future trainings.
